Creating actionable pathways to unravel the complexity of decarbonization

Image with text saying: big steps towards a small footprint on a blue background with falling coffee beans

FMO – the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank - spoke to Piet van Asten, Head of Sustainable Production Systems at ofi, to discuss our decarbonization approach, achievements, and ambitions.


Based in Singapore as Head of Sustainable Production Systems for ofi, a global supplier of sustainable, natural, value-added cocoa, coffee, dairy, nut, and spice ingredients, Piet van Asten has a dual role. First, to provide direct support to both ofi’s own estates and the origin teams in the countries where ofi works with and sources from farmers. This includes explaining what regenerative agriculture and decarbonization mean in practice and providing practical advice on technical issues, such as what measures to prioritize or how to address specific implementation challenges.




Building on Olam Group’s strong sustainability track record over the last two decades or so, ofi is currently exploring potential decarbonization pathways across its global supply chain in order to help its customers meet their Science-Based Targets (SBTI), while using insights from AtSource, its own sustainability management system, to track and tailor any action plans. Later this year, ofi will publish its new sustainability strategy with dedicated 2030 targets that will focus on accelerating decarbonization on a path to net zero.


Read the full interview here: Big steps small footprint - decarbonizing the agri value chain (