
We established a Brazilian business in 2002 and have expanded our operations into coffee, cocoa and spices to reflect our changing customer needs in the region and our growing expertise.


Growing Responsibly 

Our employees are actively involved with community programmes focused on promoting child welfare, education and health. We have joined various industry bodies to further the cause for sustainable economic development, such as CECAFE (Coffee) and AIPC Cocoa Processors Association (AIPC). 


Much of the cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, and cocoa powder enjoyed around the world comes from our operations in Ilhéus, Itabuna and Altamira. Joanes is our acclaimed brand produced for the Latin American Food Ingredients industry.


Customers from across South America have the opportunity to work with our team at our Ilhéus Innovation centre, collaborating on product development, proof of concept, and refining existing application recipes. 


We are one of the top three coffee exporters in Brazil. Our main office is in Santos, supported by 15 other locations including estates and offices. We are both easy to access and have a broad on the ground presence all year round.


We supply locally grown roast, ground and soluble coffee to international customers in the USA, Europe, Middle East and Japan.


At our fully integrated Milano coffee estate in Western Bahia, we produce premium Arabica coffee. The plantation is CAS – 4C Code of Conduct compliant and certified by Rainforest Alliance and UTZ. In addition, we procure large volumes of differentiated and certified coffees from growers, working closely with agri-input companies to help deliver a quality service to the farmers. 


Our coffee portfolio also includes specialty coffee – a niche but growing sector. We have a Q certified laboratory recognised as a SAC Premier Training Campus by Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA).


We are one of the largest importers of spices into Brazil. We import paprika, chilli, turmeric, garlic, and cumin, as well as dehydrated vegetables such as onion and garlic  from the USA, Egypt, India, and China. Recently, we developed a pepper plantation in Bahia State.  


Read ofi news

Articles Dec 5, 2024
A living landscape partnership promoting sustainable forest management in Côte d’Ivoire

The Cavally region in Côte d’Ivoire, one of the country’s main forested areas and home to protected areas such as the Taï National Park (UNESCO), has lost more than 80% of its forest cover in the last decades which has been mainly attributed to coffee and cocoa production. In January 2023, ofi launched a three-year ‘Sustainable Forest Management’ program with IDH and customer JDE Peets, to conserve forest resources and promote sustainable coffee production in the region, referred to as the “ecological lung of Côte d’Ivoire” by the 4th vice-president of the Cavally Regional Council. At a time when coffee production is reviving in the region in response to higher global prices, the partnership is working to reduce pressure on the Taï National Park and Cavally nature reserve while improving incomes in the surrounding communities.


At JDE Peet’s, we are committed to fostering a sustainable future for coffee by embracing origin diversity and strengthening our footprint in Africa. This project in the Cavally region is a significant step towards protecting vital ecosystems like the Taï National Park while promoting sustainable coffee production. By working together with our partners, we aim to create an environment where both nature and communities can thrive for generations to come.” - Judith de Boer, Global Green Coffee Partnership Program Lead, JDE Peet’s


The partnership is focused on sustainable agricultural production and social inclusion and in its first year delivered:

  • 25,000 shade trees to mark farm boundaries, reforestation and creation of agroforestry systems.
  • Training to ~3,400 farmers on good agricultural practices integrated farm management, water protection, ecosystem conservation, and forest protection through 18 ‘trained trainers’
  • 52 forest stewards from trained youths to contribute to the protection and preservation of the classified forest through patrols
  • Entrepreneurial opportunities for 750 women through establishing 20 Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) and training on creating biochar from cherry husks for additional income and firewood replacement
  • 950,000 coffee saplings distributed to 2,800 farmers to contribute to the renewal of aging coffee farms.


The main objective of the project is to ensure that the revival of coffee production in the Cavally region does not come at the expense of the forest cover and sustainable development, as it happened in the past. We are particularly delighted that this resonates with a partner like ofi ” - Matthew Spencer, IDH Global Director, Landscapes


This project is contributing to ofi’s overarching target to establish 20 living landscape partnerships across our global supply chains by 2030, with 6 of these established in coffee supply chains, as set out in our Coffee LENS strategy.

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