Farmer segmentation - success stories in africa

A group of farmers having cashew farming training

The diversity of farm sizes, yields, skills, and economic context in our supply chains, means that interventions are more effective when tailored to each farmer’s reality. By applying a segmentation model to ofi’s extension services, we can tailor training and support to farmer’s economic circumstances and willingness to invest.



Since applying a segmentation model to extension services in our cashew supply chain in Ghana in 2021, over 400 cashew farmers have recorded a 55% yield increase following the adoption of advice from ofi agronomists on timely pruning and pest management. The model, which is also being applied in some of our coffee supply chains, allows our field teams to tailor training and support to farmers’ economic circumstances, farm type and willingness to invest.



Under a pilot project between ofi and the NGO 100WEEKS in Uganda, 94 coffee farmers at the bottom of the pyramid received weekly cash transfers and training to alleviate debt pressures and incentivise farm investment. According to the 2023 project survey, 80% of the participating farmers have found an additional income-generating activity with 78% saying the programme has helped increase their income.


I started my chicken farm with the money from 100WEEKS. I have 30 chickens and wanted it to grow up to 100 chickens so the farm can generate income. Besides, I use the manure from the chickens to fertilise my family coffee farm.” - Ancessio, CASH+ programme participant



In the Democratic Republic of Congo, ofi’s coffee team started growing oyster mushrooms at several warehouses which employ hundreds of female workers. With the cost of cultivation materials covered under the ofi Healthy Living programme, the women received training on basic production principles, and after the first harvest were shown how to create complete, nutritious meals with the mushrooms. The women harvested six kilograms of mushrooms on average every day for three months, which they either used for their own consumption or sold at the local market. There are plans to replicate this initiative to benefit the workers at ofi’s coffee washing stations.