Olam Coffee develops novel superfruit products from upcycled coffee cherry cascara
Olam Coffee, part of Olam Food Ingredients (ofi), has developed a range of coffee cherry cascara products as a key ingredient for beverage infusions and concentrates across multiple applications, from ice teas to nutrition bars, to meet the growing trend for healthy indulgence.
Cascara – translated from Spanish as 'husk' - is the pulp and skin of the coffee cherry fruit. Its flavour is very different from coffee, often described as sweet and fruity with notes of cherry, raisins, and even caramel. Coffee farmers have used it for years to make tea infusions, but it is typically regarded as an unusable by-product by the coffee industry and composted for use as crop fertiliser, or discarded altogether.
Today, there is a growing awareness of cascara as a sustainable superfood due to its unique flavour and perceived health benefits, with several times the antioxidants of blueberries, acai, pomegranate and other known superfruits.1 In addition, bioactive food compounds such as polyphenols and chlorogenic acid, which are present in coffee cherry cascara, have promising potential to help patients with obesity. The caffeine content can also be considerably lower than coffee.